How Long Is Too Long In Bed Is It A Turn On For Men To Be Able To Last For Hours

i want to learn how to do it when im not drunk as well

Incubationer LTD

What you might try and do is find some ink specifically made for clothing, and with some type of pen or utensil that uses this ink then carefully retrace the signature.

No, it's not bad. Most older guys last longer, and most women like when men last longer because it equals more pleasure for them. I myself am not one of those women but I do not think you have a bad medical condition but if you are still worried you could get checked out by a doctor.

Well, you scared me as well!!! I am a 9 year old kid and you must be way older than me because you said you had a son. What I do to make me feel better, is I get my doll I got when I was 4. Another, is that I roll over to my older sister who is 12. (We share a room and our beds are put together.) Or, I just bravely go outside to my mom and tell her I am scared and she stays in my room 'till I go to sleep. But since you dont have your mom, I would lock ALL your windows and doors. Cover all your windows. Turn on ALL the lights all over. If you have a backyard, lock your backyard door. If the drunk man comes again, call the police!

Wow 5 minutes is really quick. The more sex you have, the stronger your stamina will be. Try having sex more than once in a after you guys have sex try again in like 30 minutes or maybe an hour...try that for a few days in a row to see if he 'improves' his should work....

Even though most of these sentences actually don't make any sense whatsoever (completely wrong grammar), however, I am just going to transliterate them as is. If you want them correct really into Egyptian dialect, just ask again. 1- Al mawto howal ibil al sawdaa' allati taqa'o fi asfal kol baab. 'agilan aw agilan an rokoob el hagan 2- Athem howa afdhal goz' min al tawba 3- Khataya el ighfal wa nadiran ma takoono momti'a 4- Al anwa' al mokhtalifa min al gonoon la to'addo wa la tohsa 5- Al samto howa afdhal rad 'alal ghabaa. Magnoon qad gawabaho 'ala tarf lisanih 6- Kol el ashyaa' el gamila laysat mithaliya 7- El sireer howal ragel el fa'eer el opera 8- itha lam yakon honak khata', lan yakoon honak afw. 9- Dirasat ma qal, wa laysa howallathi yatakallam.

2 mins hahahah. I use to have that problem to. Even if the girl would slow down, just her going up and down slow would make me blow. I would have to make her stop tell it would go down. Just have him tell you when hes getting there and just stop fast, if you keep letting him go that fast he will never learn how to control it.

There are loads of thing, yes masturbating before sex can help as it takes longer to ejaculate then. Rings can help maintain an erection and there are some de-sensitising sprays that numb the head of the penis. Not sure you really need all this though, who has told you to last longer ? If its your current gf then she is not very nice saying this as it would suggest that she is just after sex. If its someone you had casual sex then stop having casual sex, thats one certain way to mess your head up. Stop trying to be a stud just be loving tender and caring, and remember its not about quantity but quality. Good luck and be careful what you use and where you shove your manhood.

You've tried all the conventional methods. There are condoms/creams that use a slight numbing agent to make guys last longer (by reducing sensitivity), but sometimes the numbing stuff gets on the girl and it just generally sucks for everyone involved. Have you considered learning to reduce your cool-down time or looking into multiple male orgasms? If you can't last long enough, you could at least prolong your sessions by being able to "go" several times in a row. Hey, this way you get to have MORE fun. ;)

heres a couple websites to help u with that

If you really want info about ejaculation problems click here!

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Incubationer LTD